Are you a heavy user of Calibre? How much do you know about Calibre? Have you ever realized that there are many Calibre plugins that can be installed to make your Calibre more powerful? The various Calibre plugins can provide you with a lot of additional functions and extra features that you may find very useful.
After doing an in-depth research, this article is finally finished. Let's explore the best 10 Calibre plugins together.
- Pershing asked the Army Ordnance Department to develop a machine gun with a caliber of at least 0.50 inches (12.7 mm) and a muzzle velocity of at least 2,700 feet per second (820 m/s). John Henry Parker, commanding a machine gun school in France, observed the effectiveness of a French 11 mm (0.43 in) incendiary armor-piercing round.
- You can check the box “Run server automatically when calibre starts.” Many Android and iOS apps will recognize the Calibre server automatically. If not, you will need to know the IP address of your computer and manually add the calibre server to your APP. You will need to open terminal on your Mac or PC. PC: Click Start - Run.
The term 'MAC-10' is commonly used in unofficial parlance. citation needed Military Armament Corporation never used the nomenclature MAC-10 on any of its catalogs or sales literature, but because 'MAC-10' became so frequently used by Title II dealers, gun writers, and collectors, it is used more frequently than 'M10' to identify the gun.
How to install plugins to Calibre?
1 Download and run Calibre.
2 Download Calibre plugins to your computer. All the Calibre plugins are .zip file. Please don't unzip it.
3 Click on 'Preference' at the top menu bar. Scroll down to the 'Advanced' section and click on the 'Plugins' button.
4 Tap 'Load plugin from file' and choose the plugin (.zip file) that you want to install.
- Cannot install plugin to Calibre 5.0?
- Read the guide DeDRM Plugin (Or Other Plugins) Not Working with Calibre [3 Solutions to Fix This]
1. DRM Removal Plugin
Undoubtedly, I would say the best plugin for Calibre is the DRM removal plugin. It's a tool developed by Apprentice Alf to help anyone to remove DRM from their ebooks, including Amazon Kindle eBooks (downloaded via Kindle desktop application and Kindle E-ink device), any ebooks using Adobe Digital Editions DRM (this include ePubs and PDFs from Kobo and Google Play that are downloaded for Adobe Digital Editions), and the older Mobipocket and eReader eBooks.
Detailed Guide: How to Remove eBook DRM with Calibre DRM Removal Plugins
2. KFX Input
Working with the DRM Removal Plugin, KFX Input plugin allows you to convert Kindle KFX ebooks to other ebook formats like PDF/ePub/Mobi. The plugin can convert from several KFX variants: Monolithic KFX, KFX-ZIP, or KPF. Please note that to successfully decrypt and convert Kindle KFX books, you must use an older version Kindle for PC/Mac (from V1.19 to V1.24.3) or E-ink kindle devices (with firmware version from 5.6.5 to to download your Kindle ebooks.
Detailed Guide: How to Convert Kindle KFX to Epub/PDF/Mobi with Calibre
Calibre Perc Ldl
3. Kindle Collections
Organizing your ebooks on your Kindle device is one of the greatest challenges of the Kindle. The Calibre Plugin 'Kindle Collection' allows you to manage your Kindle collections using the Authors, Series, Tags or Categories in Calibre and export them to your Kindle. This plugin would be very helpful for those who own a large collection of Kindle ebooks.
Detailed Guide: Manage Kindle Collections with Calibre Plugin
4. EpubMerge
The Calibre plugin EpubMerge can provide you with a much easy way to combine multiple EPUBs (non-DRM) in a single new EPUB file. For example, you can merge several books from a series into a single book, or you can combine one author's many individually published works in a single anthology. This may be very helpful in simplifying your library when you have thousands of ebooks.
Detailed Guide: How to Merge Multiple EPUB eBooks with Calibre
5. EpubSplit
EpubSplit is a counterpart of EpubMerge. This plugin enables you to create multiple EPUBs by splitting off the parts of an existing (non-DRM) EPUB eBook. You can set the 'Split Lines' in the EPUB file, and you can also extract only the selected contest of the source EPUB into the new EPUB.
6. Modify ePub
This plugin allows you to perform some certain modifications to your epub files without performing a calibre conversion. For example, you can rewrite the CSS, modify the margin, split the undesired places, change the directory structure and etc.
7. Job Spy
Job Spy is a big toolbox of 64 unique functions to make Calibre look and behave better. There are many tweaks that you may find very useful. For example, it lets you change the colors of the main GUI Text, Background, Tool Bar, Search Bar, and Status Bar. It deserves an installation to explore more functions of Calibre!
8. Annotations
Calibre Free Per Mac
The Calibre 'Annotations' will help you import highlights, notes, and other annotations from supported eBook readers and platforms. How cool it is to pull your annotations made on your device and add them to your calibre library!
The supported devices and platforms include:
Kindle - annotations fetched from 'My Clippings.txt' file.
Kobo eReaders - annotations fetched from database.
Tolino eReaders - annotations fetched from notes.txt file.
9. Favourites Menu
Are you running of Calibre screen space on your toolbar from adding plugins? Then probably you need Favourites Menu to help you. It lets you create a customized toolbar menu button with your favourite menu options. Also, you can add specific menu actions, submenus, or entire plugins to your own menu. In a word, this plugin helps you to save screen space.
10. Count Pages
Count Pages is a very useful Calibre plugin that will count the pages in a book, tell you how many words are in the file, and store the result in a custom column. This plugin now works only for Mobi and EPUB files.
Bonus Tips--Remove eBook DRM without installing Calibre plugin
Calibre DRM Removal Plugins can help you remove eBook DRM. However, the whole process can be very complicated and difficult.
Calibre Perc Manual
Epubor Ultimate, the easiest-to-use eBook DRM Removal and eBook Converter, offers a rather simple way to remove eBook DRM from Kindle, Kobo, Google Play books without installing any plugins. Why not give it a try?
Suggested Reading
Michelle loves reading very much. She seeks the methods to enjoy eBooks and audiobooks more freely and wants to share everything new she has got with you.
calibre includes a built-in E-book viewer that can view all the major e-book formats.The E-book viewer is highly customizable and has many advanced features.
You can view any of the books in your calibre library by selecting the book andpressing the View button. This will open up the book in the E-bookviewer. You can also launch the E-book viewer by itself from the Start menu inWindows. On macOS, you can pin it to the dock and launch it from there. OnLinux you can use its launcher in the desktop menus or run the commandebook-viewer.
You can “turn pages” in a book by either:
Clicking in the left or right margin or the page with the mouse
Pressing the spacebar, page up, pagedown or arrow keys
On a touchscreen tapping on the text or swiping left and right
You can access the viewer controls by either:
Right clicking on the text
Pressing the Esc or Menu keys
On a touchscreen by tapping the top 1/3rd of the screen
The viewer has two modes, “paged” and “flow”. In paged mode the book contentis presented as pages, similar to a paper book. In flow mode the text ispresented continuously, like in a web browser. You can switch between themusing the viewer Preferences under Page layout or by pressing theCtrl+M key.
When you are in the middle of a book and close the E-book viewer, it will rememberwhere you stopped reading and return there the next time you open the book. Youcan also set bookmarks in the book by using the Bookmarks button inthe E-book viewer controls or pressing Ctrl+B. When viewing EPUB format books,these bookmarks are actually saved in the EPUB file itself. You can addbookmarks, then send the file to a friend. When they open the file, they willbe able to see your bookmarks. You can turn off this behavior in theMiscellaneous section of the viewer preferences.
Table of Contents¶
If the book you are reading defines a Table of Contents, you can access it bypressing the Table of Contents button. This will bring up a listof sections in the book. You can click on any of them to jump to that portionof the book.
Navigating by location¶
E-books, unlike paper books, have no concept of pages. You can refer to preciselocations in e-books using the Go to → Location functionality in theviewer controls.
You can use this location information to unambiguously refer to parts of thebooks when discussing it with friends or referring to it in other works. Youcan enter these locations under Go to → Location in the viewercontrols.
There is a URL you can copy to the clipboard and paste into other programsor documents. Clicking on this URL will open the book in the calibre E-book viewer atthe current location.
If you click on links inside the e-book to take you to different parts of thebook, such as an endnote, you can use the Back andForward buttons in the top left corner of the viewer controls.These buttons behave just like those in a web browser.
Reference mode¶
calibre also has a very handy Reference mode. You can turn it onby clicking the Reference mode button in the viewer controls. Onceyou do this, every paragraph will have a unique number displayed at the start,made up of the section and paragraph numbers.
You can use this number to unambiguously refer to parts of the books whendiscussing it with friends or referring to it in other works. You can enterthese numbers in the Go to function to navigate to a particularreference location.
When you select text in the viewer, a little popup bar appears next to theselection. You can click the highlight button in that bar to create ahighlight. You can add notes and change the color of the highlight. On a touchscreen, long tap a word to select it and show the popup bar. Once in highlightmode you can change what text is selected, using touch screen friendly selectionhandles. Drag the handles to the top or bottom margins to scroll while selecting.You can also hold the Shift key and click to extend the selection,particularly useful for multi-page selections.
You can use the Highlights button in the viewercontrols to show a separate panel with a list of all highlights in the book,sorted by chapter.
You can browse all highlights in your entire calibre library by rightclicking the View button and choosing Browseannotations.
Finally, if you use the calibre Content server’s in browser viewer, you canhave the viewer sync its annotations with the browser viewer by going toPreferences → Miscellaneous in the viewer preferences and enteringthe username of the Content server viewer to sync with. Use the special value*
to sync with anonymous users.
The viewer can read book text aloud. To use it you can simply click theRead aloud button in the viewer controls to start reading book textaloud. The word being currently read is highlighted. Speech is synthesized fromthe text using your operating system services for text-to-speech. You canchange the voice being used by clicking the gear icon in the bar that isdisplayed while Read aloud is active.
You can also read aloud highlighted passages by adding the Read aloud button tothe selection bar in the viewer preferences under Selectionbehavior.
Support for text-to-speech in browsers is very incomplete andbug-ridden so how well Read aloud will work in the in-browserviewer is dependent on how well the underlying browser supportstext-to-speech. In particular, highlighting of current word does not work,and changing speed or voice will cause reading to start again from thebeginning.
On Linux, Read aloud requires Speech Dispatcher to be installed and working.
On Windows, not all installed voices may be visible to the SAPIsub-system that is used for text-to-speech. There are instructions tomake all voices visible.
The E-book viewer has a Hints mode that allows you to click linksin the text without using the mouse. Press the Alt+F key and all linksin the current screen will be highlighted with a number or letter over them.Press the letter on your keyboard to click the link. Pressing the Esckey will abort the Hints mode without selecting any link.
If more than thirty five links are on-screen then some of them will havemultiple letters, in which case type the first and second, or the first andpress Enter to activate. You can also use the Backspace key toundo a mistake in typing.
You can change font sizes on the fly by using Font size in the viewer controls orCtrl++ or Ctrl+- or holding the Ctrl key and using themouse wheel.
Colors can be changed in the Colors section of the viewerpreferences.
You can change the number of pages displayed on the screen as well as pagemargins in Page layout in the viewer preferences.
Calibre Per Mac
You can display custom headers and footers such as time left to read, currentchapter title, book position, etc. via the Headers and footerssection of the viewer preferences.
Calibre Per Mac Sierra
More advanced customization can be achieved by the Styles settings.Here you can specify a background image to display under the text and also astylesheet you can set that will be applied to every book. Using it you can dothings like change paragraph styles, text justification, etc. For examples ofcustom stylesheets used by calibre’s users, see the forums.
Calibre Para Mac
You can look up the meaning of words in the current book by opening theLookup/search word panel via the viewer controls. Then simply doubleclick on any word and its definition will be displayed in the Lookup panel.
You can select text and images by dragging the content with your mouse and thenright clicking and selecting Copy to copy to the clipboard. The copiedmaterial can be pasted into another application as plain text and images.
You can zoom in to show an image at full size in a separate window by eitherdouble clicking or long tapping on it. You can also right click on it andchoose View image.
Some books have very wide content that cannot be broken up at page boundaries.For example tables or <pre>
tags. In such cases, you should switch theviewer to flow mode by pressing Ctrl+M to read this content.Alternately, you can also add the following CSS to the Styles section of theviewer preferences to force the viewer to break up lines of text in<pre>